1 min readJan 7, 2021


Cidades sem fome

Our #FOODFORGOODCHALLENGE is over! We received and assesed more than 4000 solutions from all over the world with the help of our partners and jury members.
We identidified ten main trends in terms of food priorities and challenges. Among them: urban farming and sustainable agriculture that we decided to support with a solution dedicated to make quality food accessibe for vulnerable people in the region of Sao Paulo (Brazil). Hortas escolares (The School gardens project) run by #CidadessemFome is our first laureate. This Brazilian NGO develops and operates community gardens to encourage the social integration of marginal groups through and to improve the nutrition of adults and children. It currently runs 51 gardens in public schools of São Paulo. It’s goal: to increase the nutrition of school lunches, which usually are the only meal of the day for hundred of students. In the gardens, almots 15. 000 students practice and learn about sustainable agriculture and healthy eating habits. This project is benefiting from the support of our Partner the #FondationRoquettepourlaSanté.




FAMAE is an independent family foundation that supports innovation in the field of environnement