Interview of Inés Criado, in charge of the Communication Department of Subbética Ecológica and « FOOD FOR GOOD! » challenge laureate

4 min readMay 28, 2021


Could you introduce yourself briefly?

I am Inés Criado, in charge of of the Communication Department of the Association of Production and Consumption : Subbética Ecológica and, as such, member of its Board of Directors.

Why are you working in the food sector?

I dedicate much of my work and energy to consolidate an agroecological and sustainable food system because. I believe that, through all the aspects involved in achieving a truly healthy diet and in balance with the environment, a great benefit can be achieved for my community, both at the level of health of people and nature, as well as the fight against rural depopulation, the creation of resilience against the effects of climate change, social equity, etc..

What is your motivation?

Contribute to building a more sustainable and healthier environment, with a fairer distribution of wealth, which can foster the development of a better life for our children.

Can you present your project ?

Subbética Ecológica is a social initiative that has been working for 12 years in the Subbética region of Cordoba, in the center of Andalusia (Spain) to bring together families producing organic products with consumer families and small entities (consumer groups, restaurants, stores and children’s grocery stores). This relationship is carried out through a short marketing channel, avoiding intermediaries, and based on a fair price policy, both to remunerate the producer families and value the important work they do, as well as for consumers, making the purchase affordable. During our trajectory we have joined the movement of the Economy of the Common Good to give more relevance to what we were already doing: cooperation instead of competitiveness, transparency in management, citizen participation, fair wages, solidarity… We currently have 500 members among which there are 50 producers and 50 other entities.

What is its environmental impact? What is your goal?

Our environmental impact has several aspects. Firstly, thanks to our model, we restore abandoned farmland, increasing the biodiversity of cultivated species and revitalizing local varieties that were threatened with extinction in our region. At the same time, we reduce polluting emissions linked to food transportation, since we operate on the fundamental principle of proximity (our radius of action extends a maximum of 150 km from our headquarters) and with planned routes to achieve greater efficiency in transportation. We also aim at reducing food waste, managing production surpluses through a cannery/processing plant; we have a conscious management of water and energy resources, a system of reusable packaging, etc.

A few years ago we conducted a detailed study of the environmental impact of our activity, measuring our ecological footprint according to the Global Footprint Network, and we made a comparison with entities of similar turnover and activity, although with a non-agroecological profile and not linked to the territory. The result is that our ecological footprint represented 4% of that which our activity would have if it were immersed in the conventional system.

The objectives to be pursued in terms of our environmental impact include strengthening short marketing channels, increasing the reuse of surpluses, advancing in productive planning to create more food self-sufficiency in the territory and greater productive diversification, achieving greater energy efficiency, working to achieve less dependence on external supplies…

What are your daily actions for the environment?

Through a system of baskets of fresh produce that consumer families collect in the gardens; our Central Order Center (Food Hub) that distributes to entities; our EcoShop with local and fair trade products and our Collective Obrador where we make canned food, every day, the team of Subbética Ecológica works to take care of our environment. In addition, we maintain a constant communication campaign to make our community aware of the benefits of a model like ours and the need for agroecological production and sustainable consumption. Everyday, our producer families take care and respect the food that we will find on our plates.

Any advice for future applicants to the competition?

It has been very exciting for us to participate in FAMAE’s call for projects. It has helped us to develop our projects and objectives. In that sense, I think it has been important to know how to communicate about the impacts we wanted to achieve at all levels (social, environmental, economic, health…) and to explain clearly how to achieve them. I also think it is important that the initiative presented is truly feasible, that it has foundations and anchors to the reality of the environment. And, finally, do not forget to properly present the work team, the people, the hands, minds and hearts that are behind the project.

A favourite quote/ personality that illustrates your commitment to the environment/ sustainable food?

At Subbética Ecológica we have two slogans that fit perfectly with our objectives. One is “Sowing the future”, in the sense that everything we are doing is aimed at ensuring that our community, our territory can have a viable and resilient future to face the challenges caused by climate change. And the other slogan is “You create what you believe”. Because if citizens unite, bring collective intelligence into action, support each other and cooperate with each other, it has been proved that collective dreams come true.




FAMAE is an independent family foundation that supports innovation in the field of environnement